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Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2004 00:31:05 PDT7
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Chapman, this Sunday ?

Content Type: text/plain

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===================================================== wrote:
> Peter wrote:
> >my Verizon DSL line was quite ill
> I'm wondering if this sort of situation could have any bearing on why Z!
> now completely fails to receive any Internet Radio streams here ?
> (Different ISP, though.)

The ISPs contract back and forth ad infinitum. You'd be surprised who's
helping whom. Tracerte can be revealing.

As of my last talk with Verizon tech on Monday around noon, they found a
bad switch Monday morning and replaced it. I didn't ask where the
switch was or which COs were affected. They didn't find it sooner
because I was the only one complaining -- apparently the residential
customers are all on cable and the business customers who use DSL
weren't complaining over the weekend. Once they had other complaints
they knew it wasn't me and checked their equipment. (So sayeth Mike at

> Dink asked me to run it command line, with a direct URL he suggested. The
> error I got was "Unable to Resolve Host." However, the browser is working
> just fine. Steve S., Steven ? In the meantime, I've written back to Dink.

That message means the DNS couldn't find the dotted decimal IP address
for the url you gave.

Here's what you need to do: Run NSLOOKUP plus the url's domain name
(example: "NSLOOKUP SCOUG.COM") and then take the dotted decimal IP
address and use it instead of the domain name (i.e.
http://12.345.67.89/somepage.htm). You shouldn't get the "Unable to
Resolve Host" message if you do that.

I can't tell you why the browser works and Z! doesn't. I don't know how
Dink is resolving the domains. As far as I know he uses the A record,
same as a browser (mail clients use the MX record) but maybe there's
some other kind of DNS record for multimedia files (ask Dink).

If you want me to check from here, tell me what url you're using.

Do you get the same "Unable to Resolve Host" error message on _every_
radio stream, or just this one?

- Peter


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