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As an update to some prior posts, I finally resolved my scsi drive problems;
when I installed a new scsi cable the problem ended.
Now I am once again having difficulty with my new ActionTec internal PCI
modem. Although it didn't work for awhile after I first installed it, in the
midst of the scsi problems, the modem was reassigned to IRQ 3 and it worked.
Now, after multiple hardware changes while trying to troubleshoot the scsi
issue, the modem is once again assigned to IRQ 5 and it is not working. I
get a "Could not initialize the port" error message when I try to use
Compuserve's CIM program to fetch email.
Modifying the DEVICE=D:\OS2\BOOT\COM.SYS (2,CC00,5) statement in config.sys
to vary the port address and IRQ does not help. When the hardware-assigned
IRQ was actually 3 and the statement modified to reflect IRQ 3, it was
working. Now that the hardware is again assigning IRQ 5, it is not working.
I do not know if/how I can affect the assignment of an IRQ on a PCI device.
I've attached output from the Actiontec pmdmcfg program and the PCI sniffer
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="040309.TXT"
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Found PCI V.90 Data/Fax Modem:
I/O Port: CC00
IRQ #: 5
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="IRQSNIFF.TXT"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="IRQSNIFF.TXT"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Craig Hart's PCI+AGP bus sniffer, version 0.44ávk, freeware made in 1996-2002.
PCI BIOS Version 2.10 found!
Number of PCI Busses : 2
PCI Characteristics : Config Mechanism 1 Special Cycle Mechanism 1
Searching for PCI Devices using the System BIOS
Vendor 1106h VIA Technologies Inc
Device 3189h Unknown
Command 0006h (Memory Access, BusMaster)
Status 2230h (Has Capabilities List, Supports 66MHz, Received Master Abort, Medium Timing)
Revision 00h, Header Type 00h, Bus Latency 08h
Self test 00h (Self test not supported)
PCI Class Bridge, type PCI to HOST
Subsystem ID 31891106h Unknown (Generic ID)
Subsystem Vendor 1106h VIA Technologies Inc
Address 0 is a Memory Address (anywhere in 0-4Gb, Prefetchable) : 00000000h
New Capabilities List Information :
AGP Capabilities, Version 2.0
AGP Speed(s) Supported : 1x 2x 4x
FW Transfers Supported : No
>4Gb Address Space Supported : No
Sideband Addressing Supported : Yes
Maximum Command Queue Length : 32 bytes
AGP Speed Selected : None Selected
FW Transfers Enabled : No
>4Gb Address Space Enabled : No
AGP Enabled : No
Sideband Addressing Enabled : No
Current Command Queue Length : 32 bytes
Power Management Capabilities
Current Power State : D0 (Device fully-operational, no power saving)
Vendor 1106h VIA Technologies Inc
Device B168h Unknown
Command 0107h (I/O Access, Memory Access, BusMaster, System Errors)
Status 2230h (Has Capabilities List, Supports 66MHz, Received Master Abort, Medium Timing)
Revision 00h, Header Type 01h, Bus Latency 00h
Self test 00h (Self test not supported)
PCI Class Bridge, type PCI to PCI
Primary bus number 0, Secondary bus number 1, Subordinate bus number 1
Secondary bus latency 00h, Secondary bus status 2230h
Secondary bus controls : ISA mapping, VGA mapping
I/O Port range accessable beyond bridge : F000h to 0FFFh
New Capabilities List Information :
Power Management Capabilities
Supports power state D1
Current Power State : D0 (Device fully-operational, no power saving)
Vendor 9005h Adaptec
Device 0080h 29160/N/LP Ultra160 (AIC-7892A) SCSI Host Adapter
Command 0007h (I/O Access, Memory Access, BusMaster)
Status 02B0h (Has Capabilities List, Supports 66MHz, Supports Back-To-Back Trans., Medium Timing)
Revision 02h, Header Type 00h, Bus Latency 20h
Self test 80h (Self test supported: Completion code 0h - OK)
Cache line size 32 Bytes (8 DWords)
PCI Class Storage, type SCSI
Subsystem ID E2209005h 29160LP Low Profile Ultra160 SCSI Controller
Subsystem Vendor 9005h Adaptec
Address 0 is an I/O Port : 0000C000h
Address 1 is a Memory Address (anywhere in 64-bit space) : 0000000000000000h
System IRQ 5, INT# A
Expansion ROM of 128Kb decoded by this card
New Capabilities List Information :
Power Management Capabilities
Current Power State : D0 (Device fully-operational, no power saving)
Vendor 9004h Adaptec Inc
Device 8178h AHA-2940U/UW/2940D Ultra/Ultra Wide/Dual SCSI Host Adapter
Command 0007h (I/O Access, Memory Access, BusMaster)
Status 0280h (Supports Back-To-Back Trans., Medium Timing)
Revision 00h, Header Type 00h, Bus Latency 20h
Self test 00h (Self test not supported)
Cache line size 32 Bytes (8 DWords)
PCI Class Storage, type SCSI
Address 0 is an I/O Port : 0000C400h
Address 1 is a Memory Address (anywhere in 0-4Gb) : 00001000h
System IRQ 11, INT# A
Expansion ROM of 64Kb decoded by this card
Vendor 10B7h 3COM Corp, Networking Division
Device 9200h 3C905C-TX Fast Etherlink for PC Management NIC
Command 0007h (I/O Access, Memory Access, BusMaster)
Status 0210h (Has Capabilities List, Medium Timing)
Revision 74h, Header Type 00h, Bus Latency 20h
Self test 00h (Self test not supported)
Cache line size 32 Bytes (8 DWords)
PCI Class Network, type Ethernet
Subsystem ID 100010B7h 3C905C-TX Fast Etherlink for PC Management NIC
Subsystem Vendor 10B7h 3COM Corp, Networking Division
Address 0 is an I/O Port : 0000C800h
Address 1 is a Memory Address (anywhere in 0-4Gb) : 00002000h
System IRQ 11, INT# A
Expansion ROM of 128Kb decoded by this card
New Capabilities List Information :
Power Management Capabilities
Supports power state D2
Supports power state D1
Current Power State : D0 (Device fully-operational, no power saving)
Vendor 11C1h Lucent/Agere Systems (Was AT&T MicroElectronics)
Device 0480h Venus WinModem (V90, 56KFlex)
Command 0007h (I/O Access, Memory Access, BusMaster)
Status 0290h (Has Capabilities List, Supports Back-To-Back Trans., Medium Timing)
Revision 00h, Header Type 00h, Bus Latency 00h
Self test 00h (Self test not supported)
PCI Class Simple Communication, type Hayes Compatible Modem, 16650
Subsystem ID 048011C1h Unknown (Generic ID)
Subsystem Vendor 11C1h Lucent/Agere Systems (Was AT&T MicroElectronics)
Address 0 is a Memory Address (anywhere in 0-4Gb) : 00003000h
Address 1 is an I/O Port : 0000CC00h
Address 2 is an I/O Port : 0000D000h
Address 3 is an I/O Port : 0000D400h
System IRQ 5, INT# A
New Capabilities List Information :
Power Management Capabilities
Supports power state D2
Current Power State : D0 (Device fully-operational, no power saving)
Vendor 1106h VIA Technologies Inc
Device 3038h VT83C572,VT82C586/A/B,VT82C596B,VT82C686A USB Controller
Command 0007h (I/O Access, Memory Access, BusMaster)
Status 0210h (Has Capabilities List, Medium Timing)
Revision 80h, Header Type 80h, Bus Latency 20h
Self test 00h (Self test not supported)
Cache line size 32 Bytes (8 DWords)
PCI Class Serial, type USB (UHCI)
Subsystem ID 30381106h Unknown (Generic ID)
Subsystem Vendor 1106h VIA Technologies Inc
Address 4 is an I/O Port : 0000D800h
System IRQ 5, INT# A
New Capabilities List Information :
Power Management Capabilities
Supports power state D2
Supports power state D1
Current Power State : D0 (Device fully-operational, no power saving)
Vendor 1106h VIA Technologies Inc
Device 3038h VT83C572,VT82C586/A/B,VT82C596B,VT82C686A USB Controller
Command 0007h (I/O Access, Memory Access, BusMaster)
Status 0210h (Has Capabilities List, Medium Timing)
Revision 80h, Header Type 80h, Bus Latency 20h
Self test 00h (Self test not supported)
Cache line size 32 Bytes (8 DWords)
PCI Class Serial, type USB (UHCI)
Subsystem ID 30381106h Unknown (Generic ID)
Subsystem Vendor 1106h VIA Technologies Inc
Address 4 is an I/O Port : 0000DC00h
System IRQ 5, INT# B
New Capabilities List Information :
Power Management Capabilities
Supports power state D2
Supports power state D1
Current Power State : D0 (Device fully-operational, no power saving)
Vendor 1106h VIA Technologies Inc
Device 3038h VT83C572,VT82C586/A/B,VT82C596B,VT82C686A USB Controller
Command 0007h (I/O Access, Memory Access, BusMaster)
Status 0210h (Has Capabilities List, Medium Timing)
Revision 80h, Header Type 80h, Bus Latency 20h
Self test 00h (Self test not supported)
Cache line size 32 Bytes (8 DWords)
PCI Class Serial, type USB (UHCI)
Subsystem ID 30381106h Unknown (Generic ID)
Subsystem Vendor 1106h VIA Technologies Inc
Address 4 is an I/O Port : 0000E000h
System IRQ 11, INT# C
New Capabilities List Information :
Power Management Capabilities
Supports power state D2
Supports power state D1
Current Power State : D0 (Device fully-operational, no power saving)
Vendor 1106h VIA Technologies Inc
Device 3104h Unknown
Command 0007h (I/O Access, Memory Access, BusMaster)
Status 0210h (Has Capabilities List, Medium Timing)
Revision 82h, Header Type 00h, Bus Latency 20h
Self test 00h (Self test not supported)
Cache line size 32 Bytes (8 DWords)
PCI Class Serial, type USB (UHCI)
Subsystem ID 31041106h Unknown (Generic ID)
Subsystem Vendor 1106h VIA Technologies Inc
Address 0 is a Memory Address (anywhere in 0-4Gb) : 00004000h
System IRQ 11, INT# D
New Capabilities List Information :
Power Management Capabilities
Supports power state D2
Supports power state D1
Current Power State : D0 (Device fully-operational, no power saving)
Vendor 1106h VIA Technologies Inc
Device 3177h VT8233A PCI to ISA Bridge
Command 0087h (I/O Access, Memory Access, BusMaster, Wait Cycles)
Status 0210h (Has Capabilities List, Medium Timing)
Revision 00h, Header Type 80h, Bus Latency 00h
Self test 00h (Self test not supported)
PCI Class Bridge, type PCI to ISA
Subsystem ID 31771106h Unknown (Generic ID)
Subsystem Vendor 1106h VIA Technologies Inc
New Capabilities List Information :
Power Management Capabilities
Current Power State : D0 (Device fully-operational, no power saving)
Vendor 1106h VIA Technologies Inc
Device 0571h VT82C586/B,VT82C686A EIDE Controller
Command 0007h (I/O Access, Memory Access, BusMaster)
Status 0290h (Has Capabilities List, Supports Back-To-Back Trans., Medium Timing)
Revision 06h, Header Type 00h, Bus Latency 20h
Self test 00h (Self test not supported)
PCI Class Storage, type IDE
PCI EIDE Controller Features :
BusMaster EIDE is supported
Primary Channel is at I/O Port 01F0h and IRQ 14
Secondary Channel is at I/O Port 0170h and IRQ 15
Subsystem ID 05711106h Unknown (Generic ID)
Subsystem Vendor 1106h VIA Technologies Inc
Address 4 is an I/O Port : 0000E400h
New Capabilities List Information :
Power Management Capabilities
Current Power State : D0 (Device fully-operational, no power saving)
Vendor 1106h VIA Technologies Inc
Device 3059h VT8233 AC'97 Enhanced Audio Controller
Command 0001h (I/O Access)
Status 0210h (Has Capabilities List, Medium Timing)
Revision 50h, Header Type 00h, Bus Latency 00h
Self test 00h (Self test not supported)
PCI Class Multimedia, type Audio
Subsystem ID F6141565h Unknown
Subsystem Vendor 1565h Biostar Microtech Int'l Corp
Address 0 is an I/O Port : 0000E800h
System IRQ 11, INT# C
New Capabilities List Information :
Power Management Capabilities
Supports power state D2
Supports power state D1
Current Power State : D0 (Device fully-operational, no power saving)
Vendor 102Bh Matrox Graphics Inc
Device 0525h MGA-G400/450 Chipset
Command 0007h (I/O Access, Memory Access, BusMaster)
Status 0290h (Has Capabilities List, Supports Back-To-Back Trans., Medium Timing)
Revision 85h, Header Type 00h, Bus Latency 40h
Self test 00h (Self test not supported)
Cache line size 32 Bytes (8 DWords)
PCI Class Display, type VGA
Subsystem ID 0641102Bh Millennium G450 AGP Dual Head
Subsystem Vendor 102Bh Matrox Graphics Inc
Address 0 is a Memory Address (anywhere in 0-4Gb, Prefetchable) : 00000000h
System IRQ 5, INT# A
Expansion ROM of 128Kb decoded by this card
New Capabilities List Information :
Power Management Capabilities
Current Power State : D0 (Device fully-operational, no power saving)
AGP Capabilities, Version 2.0
AGP Speed(s) Supported : 1x 2x 4x
FW Transfers Supported : No
>4Gb Address Space Supported : No
Sideband Addressing Supported : Yes
Maximum Command Queue Length : 32 bytes
AGP Speed Selected : 1x
FW Transfers Enabled : No
>4Gb Address Space Enabled : No
AGP Enabled : Yes
Sideband Addressing Enabled : Yes
Current Command Queue Length : 32 bytes
ROM PCI IRQ routing table Windows 9x Compatibility Tests....
ROM IRQ routing table found at F000h:DEB0h
Table Version 1.0 - OK
Table size 176 bytes - OK
Table Checksum 49h - OK
IRQ's dedicated to PCI : 5,11
The ROM PCI IRQ routing table appears to be OK.
IRQ Summary: IRQs 5,11,14,15 are used by PCI devices
Shared IRQs: IRQ 5 is shared by 5 PCI Devices
IRQ 11 is shared by 5 PCI Devices
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