> Subject: SCOUG-Help: listing of hidden files
> >
> >Any way in OS/2 to list hidden files from command line?
> >I was looking for some INI files and had to use a DOS
> >utility (CO.COM) to find them. I can find no DIR =
> >switch to display them.
I prefer to see all the files all the time, so I usually use a =
batch file (d.cmd) from the command line whenever I want to look =
at a directory. (I "borrowed" the "d" name from a CP/M utility I =
had been using regularly before switching to OS/2.)
Here it (the batch file) is in all its glory:
@echo off
rem /A show files with all attributes
rem /N use HPFS format for directory display
rem /O sort files (default: alpha, directories then files)
rem /V (undocumented) display file attributes in listing
rem /P pause for pages
rem %2 allows /S (subdirectories) or other added entries
dir %1 /A /N /O /V /P %2
dir /A /N /O /V /S /P %2
Jack P.
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