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Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2004 17:41:52 PST8
From: "Jon Harrison" < >
To: < "" > >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Basic rexx question

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On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 16:34:55 PST8, Steven Levine wrote:

>How does PMMail invoke your REXX script? MR/2 invokes the presend script
>synchronously, so an delete/rewrite is no problem. PMMail might be doing
>some sort of polling, waiting for your script to finish.

I don't know that answer to that, only that PMMail passes the
script the fully qualified name. I believe it is waiting for the
script so once the file is deleted it fails. There are a number of
places where a script can be invoked, here is what it sez about
using it in a filter as an outgoing Pre-Send operation:

REXX Exit (Background) - When the filter is applied, this REXX
script will be executed in the background. The full path and
filename of the script must be entered in the entry field to the
right of the action. The REXX script will be passed one argument,
the full path and filename of the file containing the full message
being filtered.

PMMail also has the following but I don't want to use that since it
will act on all messages rather than the ones that hit the specific
filter. I did try it with the same failed result.

The Message Send REXX hook is called right before PMMail sends the
message to your mail server. This way, you can use this exit to
reformat the actual message file to include any other information
you may want, or to remove any part of the message.

I have the filter set to match subject (ie: Scoug) and the next
operation is forward, and finally the rexx hook. If I change the
order it still fails.

Attached is the script & a typical file. You can run it in any
temp directory, it will create a tmp file then write it back to the
original. You will find the original file size remains the same
and some of the original text is moved down. The syntax is forward
12345.msg. It is a bit cobbled up as I've added and removed
routines trying to make it work. Plus my lack of knowledge makes
it kinda rough.

I wouldn't be surprised if it is a logical error, but it sure
escapes me. Then again, I struggle everytime I play with Rexx.

Thanks, jon

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P.O. Box 26904
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