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Harry Motin wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for volunteers to test on their computers a VisProREXX program that I am
> developing. To run this program you need the REXX Library functions and REXXEA
> (REXXEA found on the OS/2 BBS site or on
Regarding REXXEA; what's a "directory in your BOOKSHELF"?
> I'm interested in HOW WELL the program works on other computers. Are there any
> visual problems with the various windows? Does the program open and set up
> correctly? How is the search speed? Are there any search result problems? Etc.
> I need to document the program before having it tested. I want to write a complete set of
> instructions as an HTML file. That will take me several days. However, I will greately
> apreciate any and all volunteers!
Is this program something that is stand alone, that can simply be
executed, or does it have to be "installed", that is put pieces of
itself someplace other than it's own directory tree, and/or modify
existing files?
Anyway, sure, is it posted somewhere?
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