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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
Bob wrote:
> I would expect things to get much better if
> can get a supported email server running.
Yes, I agree. InetMail will never get "better" because there is no
support, no bug fixes, no new versions.
> When can we get together and install a new email server?
For lurkers: We are going to replace InetMail with Weasel. The author
of Weasel, Peter Moylan, wrote an InetMail-to-Weasel conversion program
but apparently we have a version of InetMail which he did not know about
when he wrote the conversion program. He and I have both tried to
modify it so it will work with the SCOUG InetMail version but neither of
us have been successful, so the conversion will be manual.
Bob: I need to get out my Weasel setup notes from when you, Sheridan
and I met and worked on the server, and then enter the SCOUG data into
the Weasel remote setup program. Weasel uses an INI file as a database
and there isn't any "submit a text file" capability so I'll either do a
lot of copy & paste or use some Rexx to stuff the mailboxes and list
subscribers into the INI file.
- Peter
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