>Basically, I'm looking to go back to a reliable ISP that I really don't need
>to think about.
>An ideal ISP will: not have Windows servers; be OS indifferent; be reliable;
>allow me excellent choice of what features I want or don't want, and allow
>me to change my choice easily (I don't want my mail run through spam or
>virus filter); allow me to inexpensively receive mail to my business domain;
>have several mailboxes that I can change/maintain online; have good pricing
>for my limited needs. They may or may may not provide me with my DSL
I have been an Earthlink user for about five years, and I have been quite
satisfied with the service I have received. I switched to their DSL service
about a month ago and -- aside from having to switch email programs (from
PMMail to MR/2 ICE) the switch has been relatively painless; Steven was
instrumental in my getting the network side of things set up, for which
assistance I am continuingly grateful.
WRT Earthlink, as far as I can determine they do not use Windows servers. My
guess would be that they have some honking big UNIX machines running
somewhere. They provide advertised assistance for various flavors of Windows
and for Mac OS/X, but as long as you don't confuse the first tier support
help by mentioning OS/2 or eCS, you should get along just fine. I can have
up to ten mail boxes (I have two), a personal web site (haven't used this,
yet, but Steven does) and their charges are "reasonable" (depending on your
own definition). My dial-up service ran $21.95/mo for unlimited connect
time. It is too early to know for sure what the DSL charges will actually
settle out to, but I'm planning on about a $10.00 increase. I don't have a
business domain, so I can't comment on that requirement. But, my accounts
are all very configurable. I have the option to use (or not) all of the
server-based features (I use the Earthlink virus filter, but not the spam
filter, since I use JunkSpy).
-- gary
Gary Granat
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