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Colin Campbell wrote:
> Oops! I was using another SCOUG-Help post to submit my request, and
> forgot to change the title! Sorry.
> Colin Campbell wrote:
>> Fellow SCOUG members,
>> I bought a refurbished Canon i860 printer today, to replace my Epson
>> C82. I need some help to get it set up properly.
>> My PC has Win2K Pro, OS/2 Warp 4 FP12, and eCS 1.1 installed on it.
>> The printer is installed and tested on Win2K. I printed a PDF file
>> there.
>> On eCS, I have tried a few times to get a printer object that works
>> well. My last try seems to be "sort of OK". I read on
>> comp.os.os2.misc that the Canon i550, i850, i950, and their
>> successors, i560, i860, and i960 work well with the OMNI driver. I
>> picked one of the Canon printers - a "BJC 7004 Photo".
>> The only way I could successfully create a new printer object was by
>> using the Templates icon on my desktop. I did a Shift + Drag-and-Drop
>> to put a Printer template on my desktop, and when I say to "Create",
>> I do not see the new printer object on the Desktop, but I still see
>> the "Printer" template.
>> When I print, the properties show 600 x 600 DPI resolution. The text
>> printed OK, but the graphic at the top of the page looks as if it has
>> numerous squares with white space in between. (There is a 600 x 300
>> and a Group 3 choice in Properties, too. I tried Group 3, and see no
>> difference.) On Win2K, the graphic is much sharper, with color
>> squares visible where the color is light blue or orange, but no white
>> space showing.
>> All of the times I've attempted to set up a printer show up in the
>> Print Dialog of Acrobat. I have i860 (my best version up to now),
>> Canon i860c, Canon i860 (twice!), and Canon i-860. I'd like to get
>> rid of those other tries.
>> I'd like to get my Desktop looking right, with one printer object on
>> it. Right now, all of those "printers" are invisible. I don't have a
>> Printer Object I could drag and drop onto.
>> And, of course, I'd like to get the printer set up properly. If
>> anyone has some clues for me, I'd appreciate the help.
>> I obviously need to install a new printer every few weeks, so that I
>> stay in practice for this activity!
>> Thanks,
>> Colin
I downloaded a more current OMNI Driver (30.822) today from the eCS Web
site, and unzipped it. I once more created a printer object, and this
time, I installed a new print driver, which replaced the older OMNI.DRV.
This resulted in an object on the Desktop, and a much cleaner Properties
dialog. Printing is now quite as sharp as it was on Win2K, but it is
quite acceptable.
Now, my only problem is that I have a bunch of printer objects that show
up when I try to print (Epson C82, and several Canon i860 objects with
different names), and I have to choose which object I want to use. Also,
the "other" objects do not appear anywhere that I can find them, except
in the Trash Can, and I cannot destroy them when I try.
Can anyone suggest steps to help me clean up the mess I've made?
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