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In , on 09/14/04
at 12:42 PM, "Steven Levine" said:
Sorry, anxious fingers!
>Did you run with the /V switch?
Yes, I did.
>FWIW, the driver supports some additional switches, which may be
>otherwise undocumented:
> KeyData arg[] = {"V", CFSTR_TYPE_DEC, 0,0, // 0 Verbose
> "IDV:", CFSTR_TYPE_STRING, 0,0, // 1 hex USB
> "IDP:", CFSTR_TYPE_STRING, 0,0, // 2 hex
>manufacturer idProduct
> "TYPE:", CFSTR_TYPE_DEC, 0,0}; // 3 dec USB
>Serial converter type
>You should be able to figure out how to use them. Give them a try a let
>me know if they allow the device to be recognized?
Thanks, I'll give them a try, and report back. Yes, they're undocumented.
>You were supposed to supply a file name, assuming you did not want me to
>have to spend time tracking it down.
Oops, sorry. I'll save you even more effort by sending it off-line to
"Mark Abramowitz"
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