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Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 10:20:40 PDT7
From: "J. R. Fox" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: OS/2 and Athlon 64 compatibility

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

Ray Davison wrote:

> Do you pay any attention to what is on the market. The life cycle of
> hardware is months. By the time it is on someones list, it is no
> longer on the market.


You are saying that the info is never going to be current enough, therefore it is
worthless or irrlevent. (Fair paraphrase ?) No, it is almost certainly available.
In closeouts, leftover stock (from various online dealers), and will be available
*for years* on Ebay. I have bought a lot of components there. You just have to
look. And I would always rather go with something that is / was well thought of and
is known to work for us. There aren't too many areas -- like a DVD burner, perhaps
-- where we have that much of a need for the latest & greatest. If you want to play
in this "outlaw" league (OS/2, Linux), you have to learn some good scavenging

> MSI makes lots of MB. They are all over the place. Now try to find
> the exact MB that Steve is using.

Point taken. It's no longer in their product lineup, nor was it even 8 months ago,
nor do they seem to offer anything comparable or as good anymore. BUT, I could
probably still find one in pretty short order, if I tried to.

> Now, having painted that bleak picture, the GigaByte K8VNXP that Dani
> runs is available. So again, should we all just run what Dani - or
> whoever - runs?

Sure, why not ? And there must be quite a few other good exemplars out there to crib
suggestions from. Then again, if you're set on being a trailblazer, have at it.
Maybe others will derive *their* info on what or what NOT to get, based on whatever
crevasses you fall into or manage to leap over.

[Hot Damn ! Does Kerry need me for debate prep, or what ? Could be, could be.]



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