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Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 10:47:07 PDT7
From: J R FOX < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: News Server Question, etc.

Content Type: text/plain

Hi Steven,

Much as I surmised, right after sending that reply to
Peter, I went over to Forte Agent, and the newsgroup
stuff was happening again there as well. And F.A. was
untouched. So, whatever was down on their network had
been righted by then.

--- Steven Levine wrote:

> Well, you do have a choice once your current
> contract term expires. You
> can always vote with your feet and go elsewhere.

True enough. In this last renewal (after they
*finally* fixed my outside lines and DSL issues), I
was reluctant to give up my email address, fixed ip,
etc. It may be a different calculus, next time
around. At some point in the next two years, I may be
relocating to Duckland. (Not the frequent
jail-visitng part, I hope -- rather, I refer to our
southern city of the fabulous weather.) Despite my
reservations about cable service, I have been quite
impressed by what I've seen of RoadRunner. In some
areas, they've been reportedly clocked at 4.5, which
is like triple the speeds I'm _supposed to be_ getting
on my ramped-up DSL. If true, that would be
approaching T1 status, no ? NOW, if they can *also*
offer competent, _local_ Tech Support, I think that
would be marked "Sold."

> >If I can get onto *someone else's* News Server, I
> >think that would be QED. (Latin for Proved, In
> >Spades.)

Well, actually, I did test it -- with Troughton's
alternate server for the OS/2 newsgroups -- though
rather late in this process. Probably should have
done that as one of the first items. That's how I
knew there wasn't anything wrong with the various news

> I could get on yours if I knew the userid and
> password.

What a kidder ! Peter tried that line quite a while
back, and I didn't bite then either. But then, he's
probably much more likely to try and pull something
than you are . . . (?)



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