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** Reply to message from "Martin Rosenfeld" on Mon, 21
Feb 2005 19:44:18 PST8
> I am talking about software from companies that have Internet
> storefronts, accept credit cards, etc. This is not Warez stuff.
How do you think the "Warez" outfits sell their stuff? They make web sites
that look legal to take your credit card (and sometimes they just want your
credit card number to sell to someone else). If you can get good references
for a site then go ahead and buy, if not then buyer beware because that is how
the crooks get into your computer. A lot of cheap (and often illegal) software
is sold with back door hooks (to use your computer for whatever they want), or
key stroke capture hooks (to get your user IDs and passwords or internet
activity etc.).
You asked so I am warning of what may happen if you use the wrong web site.
Treat the internet as you would treat anyone walking up to you on a street
corner. I don't know anyone that would buy from a person that approached them
on the street but these same people will buy from anyone on the internet, it
just does not compute as far as I am concerned.
Robert Blair
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