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Steven Levine wrote:
>>My storage box decided it didn't want to boot anymore.
>>Exception in module os2krnl. Trap 000e
>>Once it was exception in vdma and once vkdb.
> Given that os2krnl is on the order of 900KB or so, saying you had a trap E
> is sort of like saying it's broke. You need to write down the trap
> registers or use one of the available tools to read the trap screen from
> the 1st diskette of a trap dump.
dumptrap v0.4 reading B:\dumpdata.001 02-24-05 19:01:44
##0168:fff1ea1f - 000e:ca1f , 0586058c
Exception in module: OS2KRNL
TRAP 000e ERRCD=0002 ERACC=**** ERLIM=********
EAX=f3986298 EBX=00000001 ECX=439863ec EDX=ffed82f8
ESI=00000000 EDI=ffdf7e8c EBP=00004634 FLG=00213287
CS:EIP=0168:fff2a226 CSACC=c09b CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0030:00004620 SSACC=1097 SSLIM=00003fff
DS=0160 DSACC=c0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff CR0=8001001b
ES=0160 ESACC=c0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff CR2=43986428
FS=03c0 FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000023
GS=0130 GSACC=00f3 GSLIM=000057f5
Internal revision 14.100c_W4
> Getting an exception in vdma and or vkbd is rather odd. These are virtual
> device drivers. I would suspect hardware, but I guess a sufficiently
> farkled OS/2 could do this.
I replaced it with a functioning daughter clone, no change. With
Dani, Uniaud and Snap all I have to do is swap NIC drivers in
config.sys. And then there is Win that won't run, but DOS does.
> Have you run any memory diagnostics lately. Memtest86:
> <>
> has worked well for a number of folks.
I made a CD and booted it. It started running. I did not try to
influence it's behavior. It has been running for about an hour and a
half. I had never seen this program, and did not know what to expect
or how to interpret it. It seems to say the machine has 384M, all
bad. I think that might not be true because it has to run on something.
If it ever stops, with some message I will post it.
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