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Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2005 16:08:37 PST8
From: "Jon Harrison" < >
To: "Colin Campbell" < > ,
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Installing eCS 1.2 on Dell PC

Content Type: text/plain

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On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 15:06:35 PST8, Colin Campbell wrote:

>I sent an e-mail to Scoug-Help several days ago, but I didn't get any
>replies. Maybe it was "lost" to some people while Steven was working on
>the server. So, I thought I'd try again.

Here is the reply from some days ago:
On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 22:19:58 PST8, Colin Campbell wrote:

>Do you mean before installing any OS, or before installing eCS or OS/2?
>It sounds like you're telling me that I should just blow away the entire
>C: drive and start over. If so, how would you recommend doing that?
>Would I use PM to get started, then use LVM once I've re-gen'ed WinXP?

FWIW, several months ago I bought a Dell Dimension 3000 and blew
away the drive. It had a similiar config to what you posted.
IIRC, the Dell Utility partition will allow you to reinstall the
XPHome that is in the hidden partition. Since I blew it all way I
don't recall the details. I just stuck in the eCS CD and told it
to format the drive. Later on I also installed Suse on the drive.
I didn't expect the integrated sound to work, and it doesn't.
Other than that I'm satisfied considering the price I paid.

For fooling around with XP I use VPC client running under OS/2. A
bit slow but I don't have to reboot. Someday I may get around to
using SVista but I already have a working vpc solution so have not
made an attempt to try SVista.
Re-reading the above, by 'blew away' the drive I meant I
purposefully formatted it and installed bootmanager & ecs. I left
room to add Linux which I did later.

>save myself any heartache. There is a Sound Blaster Live! audio driver,
>but it didn't recognize any sound card. (Perhaps an issue of how new
>the driver is versus the card?) Might the Uniaud driver work? I've

Check the bios setup and see if under "legacy features" (or
something like that) you can disable the on board sound. I don't
use sound in my Dell so can't comment further.

>Then, I need to learn whether the integrated Ethernet is supported.
>Dell's "specs" say only "Integrated network interface capable of

I didn't have any problem with the integrated Ethernet. Check
Chuck McKinnis's nicpak. It is available at

Good luck,


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