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Return to [ 08 |
February |
2005 ]
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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
Steven Levine wrote:
>If you are responding to someone asking for help who
>may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
>REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
>In <420795EE.8090006@verizon.net>, on 02/07/05
> at 08:23 AM, Zdenek Jizba said:
>> Since my problem does not appear to be a common one (no response so
>>far) here is some more background on how the problem came up: About two
>>weeks ago my power supply box stopped working and had to be replaced. At
>>the same time the small battery was also replaced (it showed about half
>>the expected voltage). Previously to that time my eCS 1.2 was working
>>just fine.
>Offhand, it sounds like a corrupted profile. Have you tried a new
>profile? If that fixes it, you can probably resurrect your old profile
>used the new one as a guide.
> <http://www.os2bbs.com/os2news/Warpzilla.html>
>for other hints.
I went to browser profile directory and renamed my old profile old.
Then I tried to create a new profile using the old name. This done
I still get the same message and another one suggesting to test
whether my profile has no read/write restriction. I have no idea on
how to do that. So I went to the www.os2bbs.com/os2news/...
website and tried to find more info. On clicking on what seemed
the right place to look I got the message that I cannot connect
to bugzilla .org because SSL is disabled ...???
>>To unsubscribe from this list, send an email message
>>to "steward@scoug.com". In the body of the message,
>>put the command "unsubscribe scoug-help".
>>For problems, contact the list owner at
To unsubscribe from this list, send an email message
to "steward@scoug.com". In the body of the message,
put the command "unsubscribe scoug-help".
For problems, contact the list owner at
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February |
2005 ]
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