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I'm using Warp 4 Fixpak 10. I'm getting occasional system traps while
booting and always at the exact same point in the bootup process.
Steven suggested ExeInfo. I ran it and specified the CSLIM value from
the trap screen, and it located my HPFS.IFS driver. (Steven -- I tested
and ExeInfo displays anything that is within +- 2 bytes of the specified
I also tried Theseus -> System -> General System -> Device Drivers which
listed every single driver I have *except* HPFS.IFS and didn't have any
Limit entries for my CSLIM. Go figure.
The trap occurs on about 50% of my boots, and almost always doesn't
occur when I reboot again. The failure point is after all drivers have
loaded and all CALLs and RUNs executed, after which the screen clears to
black and the cursor appears in the upper left corner. If the cursor
doesn't appear, the trap screen appears a couple of seconds later. The
trap screen always displays the same CSLIM (f01b).
Anybody have any experience with this particular failure or ideas for
further testing to determine the cause?
- Peter
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