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Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 18:42:34 PST8
From: "Steven Levine" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: next step ? (on 1.2 install)

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In <>, on 01/18/05
at 05:55 PM, "J. R. Fox" said:

>I'm not sure either. I may well be misquoting that boot-time message,
>which does go by fairly quickly.

This is an area where I recommend the use of simple tools like pencil and
paper. Sometimes these message go to lantran.log. If not, there's always
a option of a well timed pause key. It's not perfect, but it's better
than slow eyes and bad memory.

>applicable, because it worked. This whole slot business seems kind of
>arbitrary to me,

It's not, but I won't bother pointing you at the applicable specs.

>since we're not talking about *real, tangible* slots

Being limited to tangible slots would really limit the usefulness of PCI

>Alas, eCS won't take it so casually.

As it should be.

>But it seems to matter for boot-up purposes, or for the installer.

There is probably a valid reason for this, but I don't yet have enough
information to be draw sensible conclusions.

>I'd be happy to send you the readout from PCI.Exe. The data from the
>2nd. install attempt probably won't differ enough from the first, but I
>expect the logs from the 3rd. (which worked, except for Peer / TCPIP)
>likely would. I'd be glad to send this to you, as well as any logs from
>further attempts.

That's probably the best way. I find it easiest to work with current data
while having prior data to us for cross checking.

>I'd still be curious to see a blueprint on how one goes about installing
>it a la carte, after the fact. Might be a good Mr. KIA column in that.

It would be short column and it would repeat lots of Google hits. All
that's needed is to run the installer off the CD. I never remember the
exact name because it's easy to look up.

>just declare victory. If it is something to do with the dual NICs, that
>would be a semi-unique circumstance, since not too many computers come
>this way. Therefore, of limited benefit to others.

Lot's of MBs have dual NICs these days.

>It does leave open
>the question of what will happen when I get around to trying a migration
>install over the *other* eCS boot partition.

That is does. :-)

>And dontcha think it is
>kind of curious that we did not run into anything like this at the time
>you guided the 1.1 installs, on the same hardware ?

No at all. The installer is very different under the covers.


"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.60b #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.100c_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)


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