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Original Message:
From: sshapiro@ucsd=2Eedu (Sandy Shapiro)
Subject: SCOUG-Help: USB Hard Drive
I have an external USB hard drive I would like to access from OS/2, but
even though I have installed what I think are the correct drivers, OS/2
does not see the drive=2E Windows sees the drive as "USB Mass Storage
I suspect I need additional drivers and would appreciate any suggestions=2E=
I can't tell you for sure, because I don't really understand this, and
there are various pieces that make up the USB stack=2E IIRC, the basic eC=
1=2E1 install was not up to snuff regarding the USB stack=2E Still, witho=
recourse to the McKinnis system update tool, I managed to update a couple
components of the USB stack (this probably included USBMSD) on my own, in
one of my two eCS 1=2E1 partitions=2E As a result, I now have pretty good=
of USB there, though maybe not as good as it can be=2E The most important=
functionality is there, though, such as plugging in a flash drive, like th=
SanDisk Cruzer Mini=2E (You can get the 512M version of this for around $=
at Costco, and I recommend it highly=2E) Also, I've been able to make goo=
use of a USB DVD-burner, for copying CDs via RSJ=2E (DVDs would be anothe=
story, because then you get into the extra vagaries of the UDF modules=2E)=
Anyway, I haven't tried an external USB hard drive in this situation, but =
don't see why it should be any different=2E
eCS 1=2E2, once you get it installed successfully, should solve your probl=
straight "out of the box", I think=2E If you are still using Warp 4 with =
fixpacks, I don't know how much of this may apply=2E
Good Luck=2E
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