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I finally chickened out on messing with the 80GB hard drive on my new
Dell Dimension 8400, and bought a second SATA hard drive. The drive is
a Maxtor 120GB, and it took me two tries to successfully install it,
because the first time, I plugged the data cable into SATA-2, but
changed the SATA-1 port in the BIOS to "On".
Anyway, once I had a second drive to use, I started an eCS 1.2 install.
That was about 20:45 on Saturday evening. The install ran extremely
slowly. By 0:50 hours (12:50AM), I had created several partitions on
the drive, and formatted the primary partition to HPFS where I planned
to load eCS, and started loading files from the CD. This file loading
process had run for over 1 hour when I went to bed.
This morning, I learned that the "automatic" reboots were stopping
because I had goofed on the NIC and Sound Card drivers, and I had to
"press Enter to continue". I went along all day today, watching things
barely crawl along and responding as needed, but also going out for a
bike ride, mowing the lawn, and going to a bike club dinner.
After I returned from the dinner, the system was to the point of asking
me to complete the settings for the monitor, clock, etc. At present, I
am waiting on the reboot that is going to make my monitor 1024 x 768
resolution. (Just before I send this note, I see a blue screen with the
six mini-screens on it, and the clock symbol - it looks like it is
higher resolution than before.)
During the Install Setup, I told eCS to install Boot Manager on the
single cylinder of Drive 0 which was "Free Space". To my chagrin, Boot
Manager was set up without asking / allowing me to specify that WinXP
should be a choice (or else I missed it). While I had eCS up earlier, I
tried to invoke LVM from a command line, but all I got was a tan colored
(bear with me, I'm partially color blind) area in an OS/2 Window. I
also tried invoking LVM from System Setup, and couldn't get any response
from there, either. This is how I would try to fix Boot Manager, or
else remove it from the system.
What would you suggest; should I blow this install away and start over?
I wonder whether the install is so slow because the SATA drives are
unknown to eCS / Dani / OS/2? (I'm not sure right now which IDE driver
is being used, and I'm still waiting for the reboot to finish.)
I bought a Sound Blaster Live! sound card, but the eCS Sound Blaster
Live! driver doesn't see the card. Am I supposed to use the Uniaud driver?
Any idea why LVM won't run?
Any suggestion for how I can correct / remove Boot Manager?
Or, how can I get back to the WinXP system, so that I can erase Boot
Manager? (I do have a WinXP CD, I believe, but I haven't had a chance
to try this yet.)
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