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In <125792.>, on 07/07/2005
at 08:13 PM, "Mark Abramowitz" said: >In
<42CDE2FA.9010205@attglobal.net>, on 07/07/05
> at 07:20 PM, Steve Schiffman said:
>>Any one else coming?
>I'll be there.
Me three.
I am trying to use Mark Abramowitz/Steven Levine/Veit Kannegieser adaption
of Verizon Wireless Broadband via the Verizon Wireless PC 5220 PCMCIA
card. With Mark Abramowitz's help, almost had it working on my ThinkPad
but then lost all my notes with a hard system crash. Mark kindly resent
his original notes but have not had the time to reimplement; so hoping
that the PC5220 can be made functional on my T42 with eCS 1.2 GA.
At the August 2005 SCOUG Help desk, I may need help on a hardware RAID 1
solution for eCS 1.2 GA; with the help of my vendor, I think we figured
out the problem; I have a new system being built which I plan to plug in
the hardware for RAID 1 which *should* work for eCS 1.2. The motherboard
- of course ASUS. More on this later.
"Larry Tawa"
eComStation 1.2 - MR/2 ICE 2.67 #19553
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