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Content Type: text/plain
--- Martin Rosenfeld wrote:
> I was using a CD-RW for snneker net bewteen two
> computers until it
> developed a CRC error. Is this the end of it or is
> there a way to revive
> it? I know it is neither a giant gloppy nor a small
> hard disk, but
> something else. Is a CRC error like cardiac arrest
> for a CD-RW?
I'm not sure I understand what it is that you need to
do. The media itself is cheap enough to consider
disposable. Besides cleaning the drive, some people
have reported good results on saving a somewhat
scratched disk by polishing it with one compound or
another. (I wouldn't think that such a hot idea for
the drive, though.) But, if there was something vital
on that disk that you needed to access and retrieve,
this would be a different issue.
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