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Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 15:42:43 PDT7
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: please test my ftp server

Content Type: text/plain

I've opened FTP port 21 on my firewall/proxy. (MrKIA
will get a hearty laugh over me also opening port 22
instead of 20 and then spending 15 minutes trying to
figure out why I couldn't do any data transfer.)

My DHCP IP address is currently

Would someone be kind enough to take 60 seconds and
see if they can reach me and send me a file?

>From a command line run

echo any message you like >testfile.tmp <--- creates a test file for sending
ftp <--- connects to me

and see what happens. You should see something like

Connected to

If you do successfully connect, sign on with the following info:

Name: TempTest <--- enter "TempTest" exactly as shown (upper/lowercase sensitive)
331 Password required for TempTest.
Password: morzonik <--- enter "morzonik"
230 User TempTest logged in.

At this point you can make a directory to verify that ftp
MKDIR works, and send me the small test file.

mkdir yourname <--- put in your own name so I know who sent it
cd yourname <--- change to the new directory
send testfile.tmp <--- testfile.tmp should be in the same directory from which you are running ftp

To exit from ftp:

bye <--- "quit" also works

and then post here that it worked. I have my SysLogD
running so I can then find your activity in my log file,
and also read the test file you sent (perhaps I'll let
my little feathered ruffian handle that task).


- Peter


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P.O. Box 26904
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