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** Reply to message from "Steven Levine" on Fri, 23 Sep
2005 23:12:56 PDT7
> In <20050918191530.WQTI12165.mta10.adelphia.net@[]>, on
> 09/18/05
> at 12:15 PM, "Michael Rakijas" said:
> Hi,
> I've surfaced for a while from my private projects.
My turn. :-)
> No problem. Now you get to install pci.exe a bit more carefully and try
> again. It appears that either you neglected to install pcidevs.txt where
> pci.exe could find it or the file is corrupted.
> This file is required so
> that pci.exe can translate the vendor and device codes to something useful
> to humans.
My mistake. I didn't realize the existence of a separate program by that name.
I was using the version included with SPCIIRQ which has only a dummy
PCIDEVS.TXT. Now that I realize my error, I went and redid the tests. Google
was my friend and I found the correct program.
> >probe1.log contains the output of: pci -S
> >probe2.log contains the output of: pci -P -T -B -D -R
> >probe3.log contains the output of: show_pir
> >probe4.log contains the output of: show_lnk
> >probe5.log contains the output of: rmview /irq
> FWIW, I find it easier to keep track of which file is which when I use
> mnemonic names like
> pci_s.out
> pci_btbdr.out
> show_pir.out
> show_lnk.out
> rmview_irq.out
> I use .out rather than .txt to avoid overwriting readme files named like
> appname.txt.
That's the great thing about OS/2, huh? Anyway, I used your preferred
nomenclature to enhance your readability.
> Regards,
> Steven
I hope this better leads to a diagnosis. I'll be travelling this week but I'll
probably get to any response next weekend. Thanks for the help.
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OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International
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