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Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 14:14:38 -0700
From: J R FOX < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: WarpVision Has Gone GA

Content Type: text/plain

--- Steven Levine wrote:

> Yes. It is the Scitech equivalent of Valery's Warp
> Overlay.
> >I haven't found any mention of a browser plugin or
> SNAP plugin.
> The SNAP plugin is the WarpVision SNAP plugin.
> Not good. Maybe Dell customized something.
> >The SNAPOS2.PDF manual doesn't mention video
> overlay at all (the word
> >"overlay" is not found).
> It's probably not been updated yet. The overlay
> support is realitively
> new.
> >Is this a question for the SciTech folks?

I saw something recently, not sure where -- possibly a
faq or readme in the WV 1.0GA archive. The English
wasn't so good, sounded like maybe the Ukranian WV
developers are now wearing Netlabs hats, so to speak.
Anyway, in regard to the overlay situation, they were
saying one needed to ask SNAP (Scitech) which chipsets
were best supported for the use of this. (Maybe ATI
wasn't on this list ?) I would like to know the
answer to this also, if someone happens to ask Scitech
about it first.

Yeah, Dell messing with something -- definitely a



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