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On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 10:50:27 PST8, J R FOX wrote:
>I recall your earlier post about this. In the past,
>I've noticed better responses and response times from
>them when I addressed my queries to specific folks at
>RSJ. I always sent my emails to the attention of
>Ramona, for matters that dealt with registration or
>payments. For general stuff I would send it to the
>attention of Sandra Seywald. They also had a guy
>named Stefan B.
Thanks J. R. for your reply on this. I've save this information for future use. All three (3)
are still at RSJ and Sandra Seywald contacted me about my problem after about a 2
wk delay. She responds to my E-Mails about every other day, now. So far, her
suggestions and requests to perform certain actions/setups have not worked out.
My problem is that RSJ version 6.00 will not copy a large amount of files to the CD. I get
a lot of "Illegal Request" and "Invalid block address" errors in the RSJ Writer Error Log.
And I cannot finalize the CD; RSJ just hangs, doing nothing except allowing the error log
to pop up.
If I copy a very small number of files (maybe five or so), version 6.00 can handle that
without any problems
Somewhere between version 4.04 (my previous version) and version 6.00 RSJ
changed the way it recognizes your CD/DVD drive unit. Previously, with version 4.04
and below, I had to get an update of the "cddr.inf" file, if my CD unit was not listed there.
Now, however, with version 6.00 the "CD Writer Control" recognizes my unit, because it
lists the correct unit under the "Detect" button. When I tried to revert back to version 5.53,
it did not recognize the CD/DVD unit.
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