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Content Type: text/plain
OK, I give up. I have checked everything I can think of including
making sure setup.cmd in version 1.2R (the one I recently installed
[with a HD formatting]) is the same as in version 1.0 that I had been
using. When setup.cmd is hand run it reports the network is not
accessable. (Yes, the cable is connected. The switch's light comes on
when the computer is turned on plus it was working before I insalled
1.2R and the hardware has not been changed.) What am I missing?
This is the one bad thing with eCS - certain things are done so seldom
one forgets little but important tidbits.
I just thought of Java which I understand is required for TCP
configuration. I thought I told the installer to install 1.1.8 and 1.4
but I see only 1.4. Could that be the problem? (I guess I hadn't
thought of everything. )
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