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Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2006 13:06:52 -0700
From: J R FOX < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Exceptions to Cookie Rules

Content Type: text/plain

Hi Steven,

Sometime ago, I posted a question about entries in
Cookie Sites under Mozillia's Cookie Manager --
specifically as to whether having such exception
entries would override a "Block All Cookies" default
setting. You said something to the effect of "That's
how it's supposed to work. It works here for me."
Well, since then I have tried this, and found that you
were correct. (No big surprise there !) BUT, my
confusion about this at the time turns out to have
been because this does not work for ALL sites . . .
and I'm wondering why that might be ? Is there some
additional detail that needs to be finessed ?

Specifically, it does not seem to get obeyed by the
AT&T Yahoo webmail gateway. If you don't have an
account there, you probably wouldn't be able to test
this. OTOH, perhaps you have one of those free
"throwaway mail" accounts at Yahoo.Com, which might
behave the same way. (I'll have to check on that.)
Two *other* webmail gateways that I use do not show
this behavior. I'm gradually adding exception URLs to
the list, but I think the ones that balk will be in a
distinct minority.



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