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Return to [ 04 | February | 2006 ]

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Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 20:44:25 PST8
From: Steve Schiffman < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Help Setting up a Router

Content Type: text/plain

Colin Campbell wrote:
> Linksys WRT54G Wireless Router as my prize.
> When I got it home, I did some reading, checked some Windows settings,
> etc. I tried using the CD that came with the router to do Windows setup,

I have found it to always be a bad idea to use a CD to setup a router.

> When I hooked up the router and booted my older PC (Indelible Blue
> hardware, eCS 1.13), everything came up without problems. Mozilla
> started. I tried to check my e-mail, and I got a message that Mozilla
> could not connect to server "mail" (that's the right name). However, I
> was able to browse the Internet.

This means that part of your configuration is correct. Just need to
work on the e-mail part.

> I was thinking that this problem probably has something to do with
> providing information to the router, but I'm not sure what information.
> Maybe where to find the DNS? (I'm not clear why I have problems with
> e-mail, but browsing works.)
> I haven't yet "chatted" with Adelphia support, because I have to switch
> to Windows to do that. That will be my next step. In the meantime....

No need to talk with Adelphia if you have the information they provide
about the names of their mail servers.

> Can anyone help me get started on this?

The Sunday Live Help Desk is just the support that you can use to get
your new router fully working. Bring the Linksys router and we can go
through the configuration setup. If you have a PC or laptop you can
bring, we can do the whole network configuration. Ray Davison
commented that your e-mail issue is a configuration problem within
your e-mail program. I concur. The Help Desk can provide the basics on
what needs to be be done.

Hope you can make it Sunday afternoon. Chapman University, Science
building room 203 starting at 2pm. Park in one of the parking lots off
Center Ave. No parking sticker required on weekends. Do not park on
the residence side of any street.

Steve Schiffman


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