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In , on 02/13/06
at 10:50 PM, "Steven Levine" said:
>The stupid programmer trick was to choose a Window's specific plugin when
>there are any number of media streaming formats available that don't have
>this limitation.
Ok, I agree that it's stupid.
>Among other things, these headers identify your browswer and the
>response formats your browser is willing to accept. The UserAgent
>extension overrides the content of this header. I don't know if the
>browser id reported to JavaScript code can be overridden by this
OK, I see.
I was curious enough to find an article that gave me Javascript to check
the user agent. Entering
"javascript:document.writeln(navigator.userAgent)" gives me the correct
spoofed response. However, I don't know if this ends the discussion,
since you made specific reference to "browser ID?"
"Mark Abramowitz"
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