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Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 12:23:40 PST8
From: J R FOX < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: eCS Installer feedback to ______ ?

Content Type: text/plain

--- Colin Campbell wrote:

> If you have the time, it might be interesting to do
> the clean install.
> At least you might learn whether eCS will install
> cleanly under a
> simpler set of circumstances.

> You can probably reload your backup in a matter of
> 30 minutes or less,
> so a bit more experimentation shouldn't be too
> costly.

Thanks, Colin. I will do this shortly. Right now I'm
wondering if something else may have some bearing on
this. My install CD #1 passed the built-in
verification option during the installation attempt.
However, I just ran it manually -- standalone -- via
the .CMD file in the root of the CD, and captured the
output to a report file. There seem to be a whole lot
of the following error, concentrated in the 2nd. half
of the file list:

XCOMP141: File missing in Checksum file

The check ultimately halts with a 0005 exception,
though it seems to reach the end of the PSFONTS files
, very near the end of the Checksum list.

Does this mean the cd is suspect ?



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