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March |
2006 ]
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My all scsi system, two 1.2GHz Athlons on Tyan K7 MB which has two Adaptec 7899W SCSI adaptors, has worked very well for long time. One SCSI adaptor (channel B) controlls two IBM HDs at 160 Mbytes/s. The other (channel A) controls a Toshiba CD-ROM, Pextor CD writer and a Travan tape drive at 20 Mbytes/s (all internal devices). The ribbon cable from channel A also goes to an external 68 pin port that until now was unused, but am now trying to use for an Epson Perfection 636 scanner. But the scanner is not detected, and when it is connected boot-up is slow and the other devices on this adaptor sync at 5 or 10 Mbytes/s instead of 40. The scanner has two scsi connectors and a switch controlling an internal terminator. All conbinations fail. All IDs are different and legal. If I disconnect all the internal devices and connect only the scanner I get a "termination not found" error. This error occurrs whether the adaptor bios setting for internal adaptor termination is enabled or disabled. Possibilities that I can think of are that the scanner is faulty, or the scanner's internal terminator switch isn't working (a mac-user friend gave me the scanner--said it worked.) Should I buy a terminator and plug it into the second scanner scsi port? I also have an unused adaptec 2906 card. Will the system run three SCSI adaptors? Haven't tested only because need different cable to connect to this adaptor.
Thanks, Ben
Benedict G. Archer
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