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** Reply to message from "Steven Levine" on Fri, 17 Mar
2006 16:00:39 PST8
> In <20060317223357.ONMJ8301.mta10.adelphia.net@[]>, on
> 03/17/06
> at 02:33 PM, "Michael Rakijas" said:
> >Is there any utility that i might be able to use to repair
> >the Inbox and the other files?
> Repair, no. Copy, yes. Dfsee.
Okay, I'm in deep doo doo now. I would be deeply, deeply ... eternally
grateful if I could get help to extricate myself out of this mess. I went to
the subject machine to try to see what might repair the errant file. The last
DFSee I had on hand was 3.40. I executed DFS.EXE and it reported no problems.
I tried to address my big question first (at least partially because I didn't
see what command I would need to try to restore the file I wanted to fix), and
executed a "scan" command. The machine proceed on its long analysis process
starting at sector 00000000, occasionally reporting a bad sector. The drive is
a 20 GB drive that had a 10MB partition on it, eCS HPFS only with BootManager
(I expected to put a maintenance partition on at some point). In any case, a
couple of hours later, it was done and it had found 13 errors ranging from
sector 00244591 to 009B5863. DFSee had the following message: SN table Bad
Sector Scan: holds 13 sectors DFS Message 916: SN exceeds current limit.
While I was waiting for the scan to complete, I downloaded the DFSee 7.15 iso
image and burned a CD. I knew it was unlicensed but I needed to find a command
that might help my situation and I thought the menuing would help me find it.
Well, it now appeared as if the machine was wiped. DFSee reports "Master boot
record is not valid, no partitions recognized" and trying to boot the machine
yields an "Operating System not found" message. Did I wipe it with the scan
from 3.40? Please tell me i just deleted some restorable information.
Enclosed is the log file from running the 7.15 disk. Am I lost?
> Steven
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P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA
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OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International
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