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Steven Levine wrote:
> In <441B8182.9030603@verizon.net>, on 03/17/06
> at 07:41 PM, Zdenek Jizba said:
>> to install the original LQ 1500, but unfortunately it is no
>> longer available as an option. I also found that my old version of Word
>> Perfect provides access to among others an Epson LQ 1500 on diskette 6.
>> This diskette has only one file which is not recognised by the printer
>> installer.
> This is expected. It's not a eCS/OS2 printer driver. It's either a DOS
> or Windows printer driver, depending on which Wordperfect you are using.
> Install driver under MDOS or WinOS2, as appropriate. Then install either
> the Null printer driver or the OMNI driver under eCS/OS2. The DOS/Windows
> driver will generate printer specific output and the eCS/OS2 driver will
> pass this through, as is, to the printer.
> Steven
I agree with you, but there is only one problem. The word Perfect
that I used was the only
edition (as far as I know) for OS2. (I even installed this Word Perfect
under eCS 1.2 without
a hitch hoping that I would have access to the Epson driver. I managed
to get something
in the printers window, but it does not look like a primter object.)
The OMNI driver does not seem to work either. I tried that too. Next
on my plan is to
dig in the garage for an old version of OS2 installable with diskettes.
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