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Steven Levine wrote:
> In <441BD335.7070905@verizon.net>, on 03/18/06
> at 01:30 AM, Zdenek Jizba said:
>> I agree with you, but there is only one problem. The word Perfect
>> that I used was the only
>> edition (as far as I know) for OS2.
> I see. DId you actually have a reason for not telling us this originally
> or did I misread your post?
Actually I did not think that using WP was a big deal. I assumed that
it would be
understood that the WP was for OS2
>> The OMNI driver does not seem to work either.
>> I tried that too. Next
>> on my plan is to
>> dig in the garage for an old version of OS2 installable with diskettes.
> You probably need to provide a better description of the problem than
> "doesn't work." That said, the OMNI drivers should work. Can you print
> to the Epson from the command line? Try
The OMNI printer works just fine for most software. Where I get into a
problem is when
I use APL2 with Auxilliary Processor 211. Displaying the image to be
printed is normal
(i.e. the image looks fine on the screen). However setting the printer
(within or outside APL2)
for portrait or landscape has no effect whatsoever and the printer
produces an identical
page regardless of the setting. I hope that this is clear. By the way
APL2 does not seem to
have any print options other than those I tried out. (but I will look
again for the umpteenth
time at the documentation)
> copy \config.sys lpt1
> Regards,
> Steven
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