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Steven Levine wrote:
> >I didn't know the WPS kept a separate set of flags -- I
> >thought it just asked the file system what they were.
> That would not work for abstract objects that don't exist in the file
> system.
Bingo. Thanks for this insight.
> >My UniMaint (5.10.25) has a Select Obj button but the ensuing window
> >requires an object to be selected, and I can't figure out any way to do this.
> Hmmm. Have to check the help?
I did that already. As usual, I can never understand what they're
talking about.
> Are you sure you used the WPS->Selected Object Settings menu item?
Yes -- I got to it using the Select Obj button on the toolbar, which
appears to be the same as WPS->Selected Object Settings.
> Typically, once you have the window open all you need to do is drop the single
> object of interest on to the window. Makes selecting the object of interest simple.
Aha! Drag and drop. Now why didn't I think of trying that?
> >PPW.src
> > +-PPW.1
> > +-PPW.2
> > +-PPW.d
> > +-PPW.e
> I take it ppw is ppwizard.
Yes, I see your pattern recognizer is still in fine form. I abbreviated
the names in my original message, the tree is actually
+-PPWizard.d (the download directory)
+-PPWizard.e (the extract directory)
> If you can't drag the ppw.2 folder to the Selected
> Object Properties window, drag the ppw.src folder.
Hmm. I can drag the parent folder to the window and the window captures
it and then displays both the parent and the PPW.2 folder, but when I
select (highlight) the object and press the Delete option, I get
Object was not deleted
The Error returned is PMError=0/0
I always thought 0 was "no error".
- Peter
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