on Sun, 22 Apr
2007 22:58:41 -0700
> >XGA/8514 - 16 colors 40 x 40
> >Independent Small Color Form 16 x 16
> >Independent Form - (1.2 format) 64 x 64
> >VGA - (1.2 format) 32 x 32
> These should be sufficient these days. Most systems are going to use
> 40x40 or 64x64.
OK, now I have those four ICONs but the "system ICON" does not look good as
they do not scale down well. Now I need to make an ICON to be used as the
"system icon" for a PM standard window. I added a 9 x 9 icon but it does not
seem to be used by PM so where and what size do I define an ICON to be used as
the "system ICON"?
Robert Blair
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