>I'm thinking that it may be the new USB hard drive, or the USB
>connection, since I'm having many of the problems from that transfer,
>including formatting partitions, which only is working sometimes.
And the winner is.... USB.
Once I had the new SATA drive up, I was able to format and transfer the
files (w/4OS2) without a problem to the new drive fairly quickly. I'm now
accessing my E-mail on the drive. The problem is either the new portable
USB drive that I bought to move the files to my potentially failing SCSI
drive, or something with USB in my system.
I also tried to clone the partition with dfsee - it seems to have not
worked, but if was late, so I'll check on it later.
>I picked up a new SATA drive (500 GB), and am now trying to figure how
>to get my SCSI drive to boot with that in there.
It doesn't really matter right now, but the SCSI drive would not boot when
I first put the SATA in. I unplugged the SATA, and the SCSI booted fine.
When I replugged the SATA in, oddly enough the SCSI booted fine. But,
when booting to the 1.1 partition with the SATA in, all of a sudden
JJSCDROM.DMD won't load. So now I have no CD-ROM on this partition. Very
So now I'll need to figure out the problem with my 1.2MR partition (still
won't boot to the desktop on this new box), and transfer everything to the
new drive. I'll also try to figure out whether the problem is a defective
new USB removable drive or just doing what I wanted to do with USB.
It's so nice typing my e-mail on a real keyboard again! Now I have
thousands of new e-mail to go through...
Thanks for the help and suggestions.
"Mark Abramowitz"
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