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Steven Levine wrote:
> In <>, on 01/07/07
> at 04:59 PM, Tom Brown said:
> Hi,
>> All this discussion prompted me to check the TZ parameter on my
>> machines. One of them, with eCS 1.2R has:
>> SET TZ-UST8UST,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
>> I have never seen this before.
> Nor have it. Is is possible you made a type when installing?
> I found that on this system, the clock is set to UTC!
> Given the above, this make sense if you are using the eCS clock and
> letting it set the system clock. The time servers provide UTC values so
> it the clock can not figure out the shift value, it may very well fall
> back to using the provided time as is.
> It's also possible that Jon's suggestion is correct and the UST is another
> name for UTC/GMT. However the 8 should really control what's going on.
> The timezone names are mostly for reference. Are your file dates correct?
>> SET TZ=PST8PDT,4,1,0,7200,10,-1,0,7200,3600
>> This looks more normal.
> This was correct as of last October.
> Steven
eCS2.0B3 still has the old values. Is there a database that the eCS
clock program uses or is this stuff hardcoded?
Tom Brown, Catherder
thombrown at san dot rr dot com
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