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Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2007 10:56:43 -0700
From: "Robert Blair" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: HTML Question...?

** Reply to message from Martin Rosenfeld on Sat, 28
Jul 2007 00:29:26 -0700

> Robert, how did you see my directories?

I can not see your directories directly (FTP requires userid and password).

What I did was look at the source code for your index.html page (using
FireFox). I saw that smrr.html was in the same directory and look at the
source of it. This gave me the location of the image smrr.gif. I then entered which should have displayed the image
in FF. What I got was an error message that said the gif format was bad. The
usual cause of that is uploading the image as a text file instead of a binary

> Do some providers prevent others
> from without your password from seeing your files?

FTP requires a userid and password otherwise anyone could change your web site
which would not be good. HTTP access usually does not require a userid and
password so anyone can look at your web site. It is possible to password
protect a web site so only those that know the password can look at it.

Robert Blair


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