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Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 11:32:36 -0700
From: Ray Davison < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: What time is it

Content Type: text/plain

Is eCS trying to have some scheme to keep up with DLST unattended? It seems that would
only work if you are running a single OS, otherwise they are likely to fight each other.
Is this some piece of automation that couldn't keep up with the date change? Does any OS
actually go to find out what time it is, or does it just calculate? So far I have not
found the "clock's manual" - help got me nothing.

Config.sys had the following;
REM *** The TZ string is maintained by eCS Clock. Do not change manually! Please refer to
the clock's manual. ***
SET TZ=PST8PDT,4,1,0,7200,10,-1,0,7200,3600

I used TZCALC to get: SET TZ=PST8PDT,3,2,0,3600,11,-1,0,7200,3600 and changed config.sys.
I also added the line: REM Time868 calc: SET TZ=PST8PDT,3,2,0,3600,11,-1,0,7200,3600 so I
would have a handy copy.

Rebooted, and Time868 set the proper time.

On the next boot, after about a minute, the time reverted to standard and the original
string returned;
SET TZ=PST8PDT,4,1,0,7200,10,-1,0,7200,3600

And, my remark statement was changed to:
REM Time868 calc: UNZIPOPT=-C
The OS should not be allowed to screw with remark statements.
I went to clock settings but could not find anyway to change the DST dates. I unchecked
sync. Now eCS will leave my clock alone?

Last evening, one of my DVRs, as soon as I turned it on, set the clock to the proper DLST
- but about a minute behind NIST and Fox News. It seems to have better brains than my
PC. The other DVR has never been able to set time. It asks me what channel PBS is on, I
tell it, but the time never changes. I have DVDR\VCR that has been unplugged for a while.
I plugged it in and it soon set itself; standard time but about 5 minutes ahead of NIST\Fox.

I am going out to check the sundial.



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