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Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2007 12:45:49 -0800
From: "Steven Levine" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: After Installing SeaMonkey

In <>, on 03/08/07
at 11:40 AM, J R FOX said:

>Yep, probably shoulda. But I'd read several previous
>iterations of the install guide, and I was in a hurry.

Well, you rediscovered the same old way to slow thing down. :-)

>This may be one of those hard lessons. My Moz 1.7.12
>now will only start one time per bootup, if it is the
>first and only browser called. After that, it goes
>AWOL. Some links it encounters that used to be
>clickable no longer are. And there are other
>anomalies. Can I repair this profile, and if so, how

Repair always requires understanding what specifically is broken.

The obvious stone knives and bearskins solution is to restore the profile
from a backup and start merging in the changes since the last backup. You
do have a recent backup, don't you?

I don't do AWOLs. Sorta like Windows. How are the links not clickable?
Do they push the mouse pointer off to the side or do they just not result
in the page loading.

Do these links work with a fresh test profile work? You do have a fresh
test profile, don't you?

>OR, are there ways by which I can spin off / clone the
>profile, so it does not have to be shared as one
>physical entity, which could also facillitate
>straightening out the Moz one -- at least until such
>time as I determine that I no longer need to keep Moz
>around ?

All of this is possible. I do it all the time as do thousands of others,
maybe more. It requires being willing to invest the time to understand
enough of the internals to know where to look and not placing artifical
limits on your willingness to learn. The profile data is mostly text, so
being able to read text files is sufficient for getting started.

>In the future, I think I would choose to install
>extensions with the program, rather than the profile.

Generally, this is a bad idea, unless you back up before doing this.

>And then there is Weilbacher's recommendation to
>eliminate plugins or extensions, in the interest of

This is a tradeoff. As with all software, I just use what works.


"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.67 #10183 eCS/Warp/DIY/14.103a_W4 etc. #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)


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