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Return to [ 28 | March | 2007 ]

Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 16:15:35 -0700
From: Ray Davison < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Seamonkey 1.1.1

Content Type: text/plain

Steven Levine wrote:

> You may have misunderstood Ray somewhat. This happens.

I misunderstand him a lot.

> You can store the
> bookmarks, mail and news data outside the profile directory.

I put them on a different partition.

> Within the
> profile data, the pointers to thse files are full paths, which is what
> allows them to be shared. The other profile data files must live within
> the profile directory. This was done for for security reasons. To share
> these files you use ZtBold to implement the copy function.

I share data and setup not between profiles on the same machine but between the same
profile on different machines. I am using 4OS2 in a CMD file to update the other machines
to the one that just changed. It is a "one-button" update. It makes it easier if you
give all the files the same names in each profile.

I only make practical use of the suite, so I don't know how FF would like using cookies
and passwords from SM.



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