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Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2007 20:38:24 -0700
From: Martin Rosenfeld < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Power Supply Help Needed...?

Content Type: text/plain


>> I guess my PS is only somewhat powerful at 300 watts.
> No, it's not. It's unlikely to be able to boot your new setup once you
> have drives installed.

It runs with two older drives and a CD ROM.

>> Now, where can I get an I/O shield for the MB?
> Typically, you get the from the case manufacturer, but there might be
> other sources.
>> The one
>> packaged with it does not have enough cutouts.
> Huh? Are you saying te shield that came with the MB is the wrong one? If
> so, contact the vendor.

I think you are wrong. The I/O shield now-a-days is unique to
the board with its own arrangements of external sockets. I
bought my board as surplus, bare bones, from a jobber on Ebay.
He said it had none of the usual things that come with a
board. I thought he meant manual, cables, mounting screws. In
fact, he meant without any of the things that came in a bag
inside the box with the MB. So, my board came without a
backplate stiffener that holds the cooler to the CPU. It did
have an I/O shield, but for a different subset of the board
with less on board features. Tyan graciously sent me a back
plate thingy. Both Tyan and the jobber say they don't have an
I/O Plate. I can run without it. Who ever looks behind your

So, I am looking for a boneyard of old motherboards.



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