> What about your libpath? Is there is a dll in a
> directory earlier
> in your libpath that is causing install problems? I
> had to juggle
> some entries in the libpath to make sure it found
> the newer dll's
> before it stumbled on older one's. Now I have all
> those new dll's
> in the same directory and it's early in the libpath.
> But if you
> have some in \os2\dll and some in \esc\dll you may
> want to check
> your libpath statement to make sure it's finding the
> newest one
> first.
> jon
Thanks for the idea, Jon. It turned out that the only
one in LibPath was a Libc06 in \ECS\DLL, and that has
been temporarily relocated somewhere that it won't be
found. However, I am now *forced* to revert back to
SM 111. My Test profile worked normally under SM 115.
However, the main profile still comes up very
dysfunctional, exactly as seen in the screenshot I
attached the other day. How can that be ? -- it makes
no sense ! The profiles are under a separate \HOME
branch -- as long recommended -- and get called by
whatever version of the browser is currently
operational. I will look around again to see if I
missed something, but at the moment this is baffling,
and I must have a working browser.
Major, critical bugs would be one thing, but I suspect
that whatever the newly fixed security vulnerabilities
may be, they are going to be far less important for
the OS/2 users, so at some point you have to ask
yourself, "Why am I knocking myself out trying to
update the damn thing ?"
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