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Content Type: text/plain
--- Steven Levine wrote:
> What you did when you rebooting after the dump
> facility finished writing
> the first diskette was avoid writing between 50 or
> 100 additional
> diskettes that would have made up a complete dump.
> This is why having a trap dump partition is a good
> thing. If you have a
> 512MB of RAM, it's going to take a lot of diskettes
> to write a complete
> dump to diskettes.
Hi Steven,
I meant to ask this quite some time ago. Very few --
if any -- of us would be running a system with more
than 2G of RAM. So, how large does this Trap Dump
Partition need to be ? (I'm assuming that it is
better to leave adequate "headroom", rather than risk
coming up short.) And, maybe more importantly, can it
be a shared partition with plenty of space on it, or
need it be for the exclusive use of the Trap Dump ? I
would not want to incur any risk of wiping out
*whatever else* may be stored on that partition, no
matter how large it is.
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