I hope this is not an off topic for this group. I want to play with a
Linux distribution to see if it works instead of Win2K for those times
when eCs does not, such as when I need Flash 9 or want to see YouTube
movies, or even to get into my ISPs main page. I have read a lot about
how hard it is to get some Linux distros to install in a system
initialized for eCS. I was wondering, if I were to install a Linux on a
harddrive by itself and then plug that drive into the box on which I run
eCS, would I probably be able to add the Linux boot partition to Boot
Manager? Are any Linux distros better at this than others. Any comment
would be appreciated.
Martin, I don't know a whole lot, but I've played with several linux
distros along with eCS, and BeOS all on the same hard drive. I first
installed eCS and partitioned the hard drive for the various operating
systems. I had no problem with either Ubuntu Linux installing or any
other distribution I've tried. I've also had two hard drives installed
in a computer and had no problem booting any of the operating
systems.....However, I did not have windows on any of my hard drives.
Sorry I can't give you a lot of information, but linux and eCS play
together well. I'd just install eCS first and use its boot loader for
booting the systems you install.
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