> Will video cards using the same chipset (ATI Radeon
> X800 or 9600, for example)
> but from different manufacturers work the same? I am
> considering a new video
> card with an ATI Radeon chipset. Some of these are
> made by ATI, but many are
> made by different manufacturers. Should the cards be
> equivalent? Are there
> gotcha's? I don't want to buy brand X and later find
> that I should have bought
> brand Y or Z! Both of these chipsets seem to be
> supported by both SNAP and Panorama.
> Thanks!
> --
> Tom Brown, Catherder
Hi Tom,
At the moment, I know of no better anecdotal evidence
(which is what we are left with these days, for
anything that does not appear on the last SNAP-
supported list) than the hardware reviews at
ecomstation.ru. (Bearing in mind that these are
subjective evaluations.) As I look those over, it
seems to me that there are differences, even with the
same chipset being used. I would be happier if there
was more quantity on these reports, so one could have
more confidence in them, but there we are. Lacking a
better option, I'm probably going to buy based on
these reviews.
Another thing that leads me to believe there are some
significant differences between different vendor's
cards, even though they are built around the same
chip, are reviews I see from mainstream (Windows
world, of course) sources. Sometimes they indicate
real differences in video cards' current draw and how
hot they run -- which may have a lot to do with the
effectiveness of the fan design. That is not
OS/2-specific, but it matters to me.
If one is determined to run current high-end graphics
/ games / streaming video, a fancier 3D card is going
to be unavoidable. I'm going to be looking for video
cards for a couple boxes, if for no other reason than
that I think the shared RAM for
built-into-the-MB-video is kind of bogus, and a drag
on the system. Still, after finding out about the
Matrox 550 -- a 2D card -- I might just go with that
for one box, if it turns out to be on the SNAP list.
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