Thanks for the reply.
> Easy to figure out with a couple of ping commands.
I'll try it and report back.
But it does not make sense that this could be a purely
hardware thing: the exact same hardware | cabling |
firewall setup is no impediment to the Dark Side
connecting. I have *definitely* done so over DHCP,
elsewhere, and can do it here over the static IP,
simply after having made the aforementioned adjustment
to 2K's equivalent of the TCP/IP Notebook. So I think
it has to be something else. Probably the GenMac just
ain't happening here.
Haven't heard anything yet on the List from Steve S.
re Sunday. If it will in fact take place, I am still
interested. Let me know. (The Help Desk went to an
earlier start time awhile back -- correct ? -- though
still at the same location.)
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