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My problem is that my display wants to see ONLY 1920x1200 @ 60 Hz. The card that
I am currently using, an ATI Radeon 7200 series, works at this resolution using
the VGA connector, but there are some minor problems with what I see: flickering
in text windows, and not the same crispness that I see when I switch to my other
machine, connected via DVI. Since my new KVM is DVI, I have to also change
AVG<>DVI via a switch on the front of the display. Not quite a smooth as I wanted.
Steven Levine wrote:
> In <>, on 04/27/08
> at 11:18 AM, Tom Brown said:
>> Will video cards using the same chipset (ATI Radeon X800 or 9600, for
>> example) but from different manufacturers work the same? I am
>> considering a new video card with an ATI Radeon chipset. Some of these
>> are made by ATI, but many are made by different manufacturers. Should
>> the cards be equivalent?
> Generally, I belive the answer is yes. This assumes that the entire
> interface to the video card is through the ATI chipset. I think the
> performance differences are caused by vendors implementing faster RAM or
> higher performance video DACs.
> Steven
Tom Brown, Catherder
thomabrown at gmail dot com
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