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** Reply to message from "Mark Abramowitz" on Fri, 22 Feb
2008 09:17:01 -0800
Hey Mark!
How're you doing? I've been away from the meetings for awhile but I know that
you've been too. I've been crazy busy so I assume the same is the same for you.
> Has anyone successful run Readerware, a java app with a free trial @
> http://www.readerware.com?
Did you ever get this working? I went and took a look at it and it looks like
something I'd be very interested in - I just haven't had a chance to try and
make it work. I've at least been able to uncompress and untar it but it looks
like you've gotten a little further because I haven't been able to figure out
the incantation for it to be read. Can I ask what you're using for a command
line? The only error I get is "Exception in thread "main"
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: readerware" which is roughly the same as not
knowing what you're doing.
> I get an error message "failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute."
> Sorry I haven't been around. I really miss participating, but I've not
> had much time to spend on computer stuff.
I know the feeling.
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> "Mark Abramowitz"
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